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2019 Samhain Celtic Festival article from All-Ireland Cultural Society



A great way to spend a Saturday, even if you don’t have a Celtic bone in your body. The enticing aromas of Celtic food, particularly cock-a-leeky and bubble and squeak soup, permeated the venue but sold out too quickly. It was truly first come, first served. Multiple vendors displayed their wares so if you were searching for a wee gift for Christmas you would have had a good selection. The jewelry was particularly outstanding and such a large selection of Celtic items wouldn’t be found in any store. Perhaps it could be found online but at the festival you could see and feel it. Talent galore was on display, and not just in the jewelry craft. Some of our members were performing, including Christina and Victoria White who demonstrated Irish step dancing, and Maldon and Phil Meehan who demonstrated sean nos dancing. Newest AICS member Mary Carey was also on stage with an Irish song and the young dancers from the Oregon Irish Dance Academy demonstrated how much they have learned, to the delight of parents and onlookers.

A dedicated group of AICS members worked our tables, led by Julie and Jim O’Connell pictured below. Julie cleverly made some delicious scones to attract browsers to our table – and it worked! As you can see in the background of the photo numerous AICS events were highlighted and enticed Comhaltas member Mary Carey, seated at the next table, to join. Early birds Jim and Julie were reinforced by Louise Martell and Mary Rose Kerg who stayed until the remains of the day were done. A truly enjoyable and informative day.

More March Mania

Many friends came to our March Ceili mor and Raffle to join in dancing with music provided by amazing musicians: Jake Greico, Brian O’ hAirt, and Nancy Conescu.

Caller: Maldon. Musicians: Jake, Brian, & Nancy
Drawing the winning ticket!


March Mania

Ceili of the Valley will be out and about.

There will be a walk-about, March 16th, starting at the carousel at Salem Riverfront Park. Wee folks, leprechauns, and pets will leave promptly at 12:00 noon to walk-about Salem. Join this fun!

Ceili of the Valley will also be spreading fun and performing at: Hallman Elementary, McMinnville Brookdale Senior Living, Windsor Health & Rehabilitation, Cedar Village, Camp Fire Group, Salem & Albany Bonaventure, and Montessori .

December 2018 Ceili & Silent Auction Fundraiser

Fun was had by all at our December Ceili and annual Silent Auction Fundraiser.  Around 55 people attended, danced, had fun and did some holiday shopping. We had around 60 auction items and raised around $1,000.  Since Ceili of the Valley Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, the money goes towards community Ceili’s, Samhain Celtic New Year festival, and participation in community events. Thanks to all that either donated auction items or made purchases. Go to our webpage: Thank-you for Donations that shows businesses and individuals who donated to our auction.

Samhain Festival 2018

The below post is what makes the Festival worth all the work!! We hope everyone enjoyed exploring the Celtic nations!

The first thing Caoimhe said this morning after her eyes opened was “it’s the Ceili festival day!”

To say they were excited would be an understatement!

We spent the day celebrating Samhain, the celtic festival! It was so much fun & it makes my heart so incredibly happy to see the girls enjoying such an important part of their culture and my upbringing.

We wrapped the day up with Ceili dancing and dinner out before heading home and crawling into bed.

What a wonderful family day!

Thank you to everyone who worked hard to make today happen!