Ceili of the Valley Society was busy this summer in many community events.
At festivals in Salem:
At Cedar Village Assisted Living Facility:
Fun at schools:

Dancing in the streets:
It’s as simple as 3’s and 7’s. Fun for all ages. Video by Bill Cruscial of CCTV.
It’s as simple as 3’s and 7’s. Fun for all ages. CVS thanks Bill Cruscial of CCTV for the video.
Ceili of the Valley Society will be performing on October 3rd at the McKenzie Highland Games & Celtic Gathering in Eugene at 10:50 am. Some of us may also stay for impromptu dancing during other sets (D’n’A at 2:30 and 5:20) and during the ceilidh. For more information, visit: http://www.mckenziehighlandgames.com/#!attractions/galleryPage.