It’s as simple as 3’s and 7’s. Fun for all ages. Video by Bill Cruscial of CCTV.
Santiam Senior Center
5th annual St. Patrick’s Day Walkabout
A small and mighty clan braved the elements on Salem’s 5th annual Saint Patrick’s Day walkabout through the park and Salem downtown. The event was a wee bit before St. Pat’s day, sponsored by Céili of the Valley Society on Saturday- March 12th. Even as the sky dumped liquid sunshine, The Willamette Valley Pipe and Drums (formerly Oregon Defense Force Pipe & Drum Band) led the crazy Green Bunch downtown from Riverfront Park.
March Madness Ceili
There was loads of fun for all at our March Céili & Céili of the Valley Society’s 10 year anniversary. Thanks to Sam Keator for coming to our rescue to call at our céili when our original caller had an emergency. We had super lively music from Cary and Hanz (which we were lucky since he will be moving to the East coast soon). Thanks all for coming and making March céili a party to remember.
We were treated to wonderful step dancing performances during our break.
Irish Social & Scottish Dancing with Ceili of the Valley
It’s as simple as 3’s and 7’s. Fun for all ages. CVS thanks Bill Cruscial of CCTV for the video.
Grant Award Announcement
Ceili of the Valley has been awarded a grant from the William S. Walton Trust.
Ceili Dance Flash Mob at Salem Saturday Market
Sean Nos Classes begin October 1
Maldon Meehan will be teaching a six-week session of Sean Nos (old style) Irish hard shoe dance classes at the VFW Hall, 630 Hood St. NE, beginning October 8.
Sean-nós literally meaning old-style is a highly improvisational, low to the ground, rhythmic dance form. Unlike Irish step dancers, Sean-nós dancers swing their hips and use their arms as forms of expressing the music. Traditionally a dancer danced solo on the hardwood of a half door or the round top of a barrel; as a result the steps are confined to a small space. In Sean-nós dance, the dancer is tied closely with the musician and the music. The dancer interprets the music.
Classes take place 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays. Oct. 8 – Nov. 12. Enough students have registered and class will begin October 8th.
Cost: $75 per person
Age: 9 and older
Pre-registration and payment is required. Deadline is Sept 30.
Click for Sean Nos registration
Complete the registration form above, and include a check made payable to Ceili of the Valley, PO Box 221, Salem, Oregon 97308.
Questions? contact
McKenzie Highland Games- Oct. 2 & 3, 2015
Ceili of the Valley Society will be performing on October 3rd at the McKenzie Highland Games & Celtic Gathering in Eugene at 10:50 am. Some of us may also stay for impromptu dancing during other sets (D’n’A at 2:30 and 5:20) and during the ceilidh. For more information, visit:!attractions/galleryPage.
Yamhill Community Action Partnership fundraiser
Ceili of the Valley Society, along with our friend and caller Bruce Kenny, was proud to be a part of this community fundraiser event for Yamhill County Food Bank and other important community services. Right click to open the below video link.